4 Tips for Fast Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Removals
Wisdom teeth or third molars erupt in the mouth between 18-25 years of age. At Times Square Dental, we believe that wisdom teeth are an important part of dentition, and so Dr. Jon Hastings always makes every effort to save the tooth from extraction. However, you may need a wisdom tooth removal due to caries, tooth fracture or most commonly due to impaction.
Wisdom tooth extraction can cause pain, discomfort, swelling and other complications. If you need a molar removal surgery, you can follow these important and useful tips to ensure a fast and smooth recovery.
1. Watch your diet
You can eat ½ to 1 hour after surgery. Make sure that the bleeding has stopped. Clean your mouth and the site of extraction gently with water before eating. Don’t gargle or spit forcefully. You will still be under the effect of local anesthesia. Take care not to bite on your lips or cheeks while eating. Avoid hot and spicy food for few days. Don’t take carbonated or acidic drinks for the first 24 hours. A liquid diet is not necessary. You can eat small portions of semi-solid food in the initial 2-3 days. A blood clot forms and occupies the space after extraction. Smoking or using straws can dislodge the blood clot and cause infection and dry socket. This condition is painful and slows down the healing process.
2. Follow your dentist’s instructions
The dental team at Times Square Dental will give you instructions before and after the surgery. You should strictly follow them. Take the medicines like painkillers or antibiotics prescribed to you according to the dosage. After 24 hours, you can clean the site of extraction frequently with salt water. It clears out the food debris and helps to prevent infection. Don’t insert sharp objects in your mouth as they can cause trauma to the healing site. The most common cause of complications after wisdom tooth surgery is the lack of adherence to the instructions by the patient. So, you should never neglect any of the instructions.
3. Take rest
Take enough rest after the surgery. You should not indulge in strenuous activities immediately after the procedure. Moreover, the effect of local anesthesia remains for few hours after the surgery. Make sure that there is somebody to drive you back home. Sleep on a pillow and keep your head in an elevated position. Don’t give pressure on the side of the mouth in which extraction has been done. You should take a day off from work or school on the day of surgery. You can plan wisdom tooth removal near to a weekend or holiday so that you have sufficient time for rest. You might feel mild stiffness while opening your mouth after surgery. Open and close your mouth gently few times a day. This step will help in activating the muscles, and you will not feel the stiffness after recovery.
4. Plan ahead
The management of an infected and carious impacted wisdom tooth is different from that of a healthy impacted tooth. You may have to take antibiotics or other medicines in the case of an infection associated with third molar. Moreover, the healing process also gets delayed in the presence of infection. Regular dental visits help to diagnose dental diseases in the early stage. Dr. Hastings usually advises his patients who come for a regular dental check-up to go for X-rays if he suspects wisdom tooth impaction. Healing is always better and fast if the patient is young and has no systemic disease.
Dr. Hastings follows a preventative approach in the management of dental diseases. We recommend our patients to go for scaling once every six months. Professional cleaning of teeth and gums at regular intervals helps to prevent gum diseases, and this factor dramatically speeds up your wisdom tooth recovery process.
Fast recovery from wisdom tooth extraction at Times Square Dental
If you have wisdom teeth problems and want to ensure a virtually painless and smooth recovery from wisdom tooth extraction, please feel free to contact us. We have ‘state-of-the-art’ instruments for diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases. We aim to give a positive experience to every patient at our clinic. Dr. Hastings’s expertise in wisdom tooth extraction and the latest sedation dentistry techniques used at our clinic can help you achieve a fast and infection-free healing.
If you have any further questions or want to schedule your appointment for wisdom tooth extraction at Times Square Dental, please call (208) 314-1901 today.
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